
更新时间:2017-09-26   豆瓣/9.2   IMDB/8.7

1.18G HD720P BBC关于安乐死的纪录片,题材比较出众,片中没有刻意对死亡的事情煽情,表现得比较克制,但依旧容易泪目。而对于选择死亡的权利,抛开道德层面不考虑,国外确实比国内要好得多,也代表了对人权的尊重,有兴趣的网友可以看看~


导演: 罗万·迪肯
类型: 纪录片 官方网站: www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b070jm26
制片国家/地区: 英国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2016-02-10(英国)
片长: 85分钟

Simon is a successful businessman with a loving family and a large circle of friends whose world falls apart when he is diagnosed with an aggressive form of motor neurone disease and given two years to live. Within weeks of the diagnosis, the disease causes Simon to lose the use of his voice. Faced with the prospect of a rapid physical decline, Simon tells his family that he is considering ending his life at a Swiss suicide clinic. Filmed and directed by award-winning filmmaker Rowan Deacon, and made in partnership with the Open University, this intimate and deeply moving film follows Simon and his family and friends as they grapple with the huge moral, emotional and legal dilemmas around Simon's choice. Their conflicting perspectives unearth difficult questions for Simon which mean that his heartwrenching decision is hanging in the balance until the very end.片子讲述了英国一位叫做Simon的大叔,在患了绝症之后决定去瑞士进行安乐死的整个过程。这是BBC第一次如此细致的吧一个人安乐死的故事记录下来,片子播出前就已经在英国引起了很大反响与讨论@BD2121.com
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