查理·卓别林参演的 相关 69 部
  • 遇雨
    遇雨  (1914)
  • 新看门人
    新看门人  (1914)
    主演:查理·卓别林/John T. Dillon/阿尔·圣约翰
  • 梅布尔的忙碌一天
    梅布尔的忙碌一天  (1914)
    主演:查理·卓别林 Charles Chaplin/梅布尔·诺曼德
    剧情简介:A hotdog girl gives one to a policeman who then allows her into a race track. While other customers swipe her hotdogs, Charlie runs off with the whole box, pretending to sell them while actually giving them away. She calls her policeman who battles Charlie.
  • 残酷的爱情
    残酷的爱情  (1914)
    剧情简介:A rich lord loves a girl. A maid who has seen the two accosts the lord in a park and embraces him. This is seen by the girl who calls off their relationship. The lord decides to commit suicide, but the butler replaces the poison with water. The girl, her love now restored, rushes to what she thinks is the lord‘s deathbed.
  • 他的消遣
    他的消遣  (1914)
    主演:查理·卓别林/罗斯科·阿巴克尔/Peggy Pearce
    剧情简介:A very plastered fella follows a pretty woman home, and proceeds to make a nuisance of himself.
  • 女房东的宠物
    女房东的宠物  (1914)
    剧情简介:Charlie is the favorite of his landlady, and the other boarders are jealous. He cares for her after she falls from a ladder. Her son photographs what looks like an amorous moment. He next photographs his father in a similar situation with another woman. That evening the boy puts on a slide show for the guests, resulting in a battle between Charlie and his landlady‘s husband.
  • 娱乐
    娱乐  (1914)
  • 致命的球棍
    致命的球棍  (1914)
    剧情简介:Charlie throws a brick at a man and woman and gets it thrown back at him. The rivals fight. The lady leaves with a third suitor. Charlie finds a wooden mallet with which he subdues both rivals, locking them in a barn. He kicks the lady who instantly falls for him
  • 捉贼记
    捉贼记  (1914)
    剧情简介:Long believed to be lost, this film was brought back from oblivion in 2010, whereupon it was discovered that it features a cameo appearance by Charles Chaplin

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