新生 (1915)

  • 导演:布朗科·比利·安德森    编剧:布朗科·比利·安德森
  • 主演:布朗科·比利·安德森 / 查理·卓别林 / Lee Willard / Hazel Applegate / Marguerite Clayton
  • 地区:美国    语言:英语    上映:1915-05-07
  • 类型:短片 / 西部    片长:15 分钟/Spain: 14 分钟(DVD edition)
  • 新生剧情简介:
           A rough criminal gets into an argument over a girl in a dance hall. The argument turns into a fight, and the criminal is shot. As everyone else looks on, a young woman comes to his aid, and it turns out that he is not seriously wounded. He still remembers the woman who helped him when, later, he is committing a burglary and gets a surprise that will change his life.
    标签#美国 / 短片 / 卓别林 / 1915 / 默片 / 1910s / 喜剧 / 美国电影#






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