他来自未来 (1996)

  • 导演:Bill D‘Elia    编剧:Alan Spencer
  • 主演:Julian Sands / Giancarlo Esposito / Craig Wasson
  • 地区:USA    语言:English    上映:1996
  • 类型:    片长:120分钟
  • 他来自未来剧情简介:
           The android Kent is programmed to travel back in time and save humanity from its future. His way leads to earth, which is going to be destroyed by a great rocket-disaster. As he wants to prohibit this, a mad scientist is in his way. But there are more problems: He has to act as a human. Computer-expert Jonathan Driscoll becomes his mentor and tries to help and repair him.
    标签#科幻 / 他来自未来 / 美国 / 灾难 / 人性 / 1996 / 美国电影 / 冒险#






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