欲望水面下 (2015)

  • 导演:Bryan Fitzgerald / Valéry Lessard    编剧:Bryan Fitzgerald
  • 主演:Bryan Fitzgerald / Valéry Lessard / Monica Palmieri / Andrew Gelles / Roger Casey / Nicholas Avenue / Yanil Molina / Ryan George / Olivier Lessard / Caleb Wells / Michael Serratore / Jamie Wells
  • 地区:美国 / 加拿大    语言:英语    上映:2015
  • 类型:剧情 / 短片    片长:23分钟
  • 欲望水面下剧情简介:
           Greg, a susceptible teenager from a chaotic home, numbs himself through drugs and alcohol. What started as innocent fun turns haunting, as his recklessness increases to the point of no return. He is forced to make a change, or drown in his addictions. Based on a true story.
    标签#同性 / 短片 / 英国 / 同志 / 2015 / 美国 / 露点 / 情色#






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