剧情简介:Filmed by Grammy-nominated director Paul Dugdale (Adele, Rolling Stones), Coldplay: Ghost Stories was recorded in a custom-built amphitheatre in front of an audience of 800 fans. The show blends a unique in-the-round performance from the band with cinematic vignettes and immersive 360-degree projections.
剧情简介:《单向乐队:我们所到之处》演唱会电影,将包含乐队6月28日及29日,在米兰圣西罗球场举行的演唱会实况,75分钟演唱会画面,《What Makes You Beautiful》及《Best Song Ever》等大热歌曲一网打尽,外加15分钟的独家幕后花絮及乐队成员采访。导演Paul Dugdale曾为阿黛尔、Jessie J、Chase及Coldplay等多位乐手合作,影片将于10月11日及12日两天,在全球五十多个城市的三千多块大银幕上举行限时放映,DVD将于今年12月1日发售。