剧情简介:A look at the life of the legendary Rhythm and Blues musician, James Brown, from his early years in South Carolina to his efforts during the Civil Rights movement.
剧情简介:If income inequality were a sport, the residents of 740 Park Avenue in Manhattan would all be medalists. This address boasts the highes t number of billionaires in the United States.如果收入不公是一项运动,那么曼哈顿公园大道740号的居住者都能拿到奖牌,这里聚集了美国最多的亿万富翁。
剧情简介:Academy Award®–winning documentary filmmaker Alex Gibney (Taxi to the Dark Side) explores the charged issue of pedophilia in the Catholic Church, following a trail from the first known protest against clerical sexual abuse in the United States and all way to the Vatican.
剧情简介:Hunter S. Thompson,一位特异独行的知名记者,以充满个人风格的摇滚评论方式撰写文章。本片记述了著名自由作家Hunter S. Thompson,1965~1975间的生活,由奥斯卡最佳纪录片得奖者Alex Gibney编导,包含了从未曝光过的难得影像与声音,提名日舞影展评审奖。Hunter S. Thompson以其独特的摇滚评论方式闻名,他尖酸又直接深入的评论往往令人又爱又恨,十足的古怪又疯狂,这名离经叛道的作家兼记者,最后自杀身亡。钱宁戴普主演的电影《赌城风情画》,便是改编他自传性十足的小说。
剧情简介:记录华尔街有史以来最大的商业丑闻,揭露一群绝顶聪明的高阶经理人,如何将美国第七大企业搞挂,轻轻松松卷走十亿美金,让投资人血本无归,上万员工失去工作。 本片根据安隆事件畅销书The Smartest Guys in the Room摄制,运用访谈画面、录音、企业内部数据制作而成,甚至揭露布什家族可能涉案的内幕。安隆案影响甚巨,不仅使全球五大会计师事务所之一的安达信(Arthur Andersen LLP)被美国证期会吊销执照,也让国际知名的麦肯锡顾问公司重伤五内,更让所有商学院洗心革面,在高喊利润至上之外,重新向MBA学生传授「伦理与道德」。 全球各大企业也把「公司治理」捧上天,希望能够赢回投资人的信任。但安隆风暴尚未结案,高潮将可能再度袭卷华尔街…