剧情简介:The Voice is an Australian reality talent show that premiered on the Nine Network on 15 April 2012. Based on the reality singing competition The Voice of Holland, the series was created by Dutch television producer John de Mol.The series is hosted by Darren McMullen, and features Delta Goodrem, Keith Urban, Joel Madden and Seal as the four "coaches".
剧情简介:哈利( Art Carney 饰)是个退休教师,终其一生都在为妻女奋斗,住在纽约上西区的他,一直没有为自己追求什么,当政府为了兴建停车场而决定拆除哈利的房子,他打包行李带着他最忠心的好友 Tonto 一同展开了一场跨越美国的旅程,他沿途拜访子女与多年好友,也因此结识了许多新朋友...本片由 Paul Mazursky 执导,获得1974年奥斯卡最佳男主角与金球奖喜剧音乐类影片最佳男主角。