泰莉莎·加拉赫参演的 相关 6 部
  • 阿甘妙世界 第六季
    阿甘妙世界 第六季  (2018)
    主演:Nicolas Cantu/泰莉莎·加拉赫/Donielle T. Hansley Jr./Dan Russell
  • 阿甘妙世界 第四季
    阿甘妙世界 第四季  (2015)
    主演:Jacob Hopkins/Terrell Ransom, Jr./Kyla Rae Kowalewski/泰莉莎·加拉赫/Dan Russell
    剧情简介:The series focuses on the misadventures of Gumball Watterson, a blue 12-year-old cat, along with his adopted brother, Darwin, a goldfish. Together, they cause mischief among their family, as well as with the wide array of students at Elmore Junior High, where they attend middle school.
  • 海底小纵队 第四季
    海底小纵队 第四季  (2015)
    主演:Ross Breen/泰莉莎·加拉赫/西蒙·格林诺/Shelley Longworth/Michael Murphy/Paul Panting/Rob Rackstraw/基思·威克姆/Jo Wyatt
    剧情简介:A dangerous tidal wave washes all the fish up in the trees, which is also a big problem for the poison dart frogs who don‘t have enough puddles up in the trees for the tadpoles. Luckily, Tweak‘s new Gup-H is ready to help.
  • 托马斯和朋友们:多多岛之迷失宝藏
    托马斯和朋友们:多多岛之迷失宝藏  (2015)
    剧情简介:调皮的托马斯(约瑟夫·梅 Joseph May 配音)闯了祸,胖总管罚它来到多多岛的另一边,参与建造新的火车支线,在那里和托马斯一起工作的,是泌尿莱恩(埃迪·雷德梅恩 Eddie Redmayne 配音)的蒸汽火车头。为了显示自己的实力,托马斯卯足了劲儿埋头猛干,却在意外之中落入了地洞里,并误打误撞的发现了传说中消失已久的额海盗船。在海盗船上,等待着托马斯的是经验丰富的老水手约翰(约翰·赫特 John Hurt 配音)以及活泼聪明的帆船斯基夫(杰米·坎贝尔·鲍尔 Jamie Campbell Bower 配音),他们结成盟友,一起踏上了冒险的旅途,解开了隐藏了多年的多多岛宝藏之谜,收获了财富和友情。
  • 海底小纵队 第三季
    海底小纵队 第三季  (2014)
    主演:Ross Breen/泰莉莎·加拉赫/韦恩·格雷森/西蒙·格林诺/Shelley Longworth/Mary Murphy/Michael Murphy/Paul Panting/Rob Rackstraw/威廉·范德普耶/基思·威克姆/Jo Wyatt
    剧情简介:Kwazii and Dashi become entangled in a strange deep-sea creature - a siphonophore - and when a geyser blasts it toward the surface, the Octonauts must stop its ascent before it fatally bursts.
  • 海底小纵队 第二季
    海底小纵队 第二季  (2012)
    主演:Ross Breen/泰莉莎·加拉赫/西蒙·格林诺/Shelley Longworth/Mary Murphy/Michael Murphy/Paul Panting/韦恩·格雷森/Rob Rackstraw/威廉·范德普耶/基思·威克姆/Jo Wyatt
    剧情简介:The Octopod is grabbed by a colossal squid. The Octonauts are unable to break free due to the hooks on the ends of the squid‘s tentacles. Fortunately the arrival of some sperm whales turns the squid from hunter to hunted.

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