剧情简介:Prostitution in Britain is thriving, revolutionised by the internet and serviced by an estimated 100,000 sex workers. Billie JD Porter goes in search of the human face of the prostitution business, talking to the young men who routinely pay for sex about why they do it, and to the young women who sell their bodies about what‘s in it for them.
剧情简介:1942,巴黎沦陷。年轻的阿尔及利亚移民Younes靠做黑市生意过活。被逮捕后,Younes接受了法国警方提出的条件,替他们去监视巴黎的一座清真寺。警方怀疑该清真寺的负责人,Si Kaddour Ben Ghabrit给犹太人和法国抵抗运动者提供假的身份证明以掩护他们。在清真寺里,Younes认识了阿尔及利亚裔歌手Salim Halali,并被后者的嗓音和个性所打动,和他成为了朋友。Younes很快就发现Salim是犹太人。冒着被追捕的危险,Younes结束了他和警方的合作关系。面对周遭的各种暴行,并未受过任何政治教育的移民工人Younes开始一步步蜕变,并最终成为自由的斗士。