Olivia Colman参演的 相关 9 部
  • 超级松鼠
    超级松鼠  (2018)
    主演:Olivia Colman
  • 那些花儿 第二季
    那些花儿 第二季  (2018)
    主演:Julian Barratt/Olivia Colman/Sophia Di Martino/Alice Lowe/Daniel Rigby/Will Sharpe
    剧情简介:古怪阴郁又催泪治愈的黑色喜剧,围绕着抑郁症和自杀话题,讲述一个功能失调的家庭和一个住家日本插画师的故事,自杀未遂不敢袒露抑郁痛苦的男主人,得不到丈夫关爱于是与建筑工调情的女主人,他们的龙凤胎儿女,沉浸在无用发明里的软蛋儿子和不敢出柜的古怪女儿,同时爱上了同一个女孩,还有一个不知来历的日本插画师男孩,似乎与男主人有着同性私情,每个人都有自己的秘密。男主角是来自《神奇动物管理员》的Julian Barratt,女主角是来自《小镇疑云》的Olivia Colman,并由日裔英国人Will Sharpe自编自导自演,他在片中扮演永远阳光的日本插画男孩,英剧的黑色幽默又掺杂着日剧的古怪治愈!
  • 司隆先生 第一季
    司隆先生 第一季  (2014)
    主演:尼克·弗罗斯特 Nick Frost/奥利维娅·科尔曼 Olivia Colman
  • 第十三个故事
    第十三个故事  (2013)
    主演:Sophie Turner/Vanessa Redgrave/Olivia Colman
    剧情简介:玛格丽特(奥利维娅·科尔曼 Olivia Colman 饰)从小在父亲经营的书店里玩耍长大,博览群书的她对人物传记情有独钟,成年后,她甚至开始尝试着自己撰写古人传记。某日,玛格丽特收到了作家温特(瓦妮莎·雷德格瑞夫 Vanessa Redgrave 饰)的来信,信中,温特表示希望玛格丽特能够替她立书作传。玛格丽特的身世和她本人一样充满了谜团,坊间流传的有关她的传闻几乎都不属实。好奇心的驱使之下,玛格丽特来到了温特的住处,在那里,女作家亲口向她诉说了关于自己家族的历史。然而,这段故事是如此的诡异离奇,令玛格丽特几乎不敢相信,为了验证温特所言,玛格丽特决心通过自己的力量进行调查,由此揭开了一个埋藏多年的秘密。
  • 窥视秀 第六季
    窥视秀 第六季  (2008)
    主演:大卫·米切尔 David Mitchell/罗伯特·韦伯 Robert Webb/奥利维娅·科尔曼 Olivia Colman
    剧情简介:With Sophie‘s baby on the way, Mark and Jeremy become even more desperate (if that‘s possible) to enjoy their final days of freedom. Mark, newly promoted, splurges and finds Jeremy a job in the office. Feeling on top of his game, he decides to pursue Dobby, but a fire drill soon dampens his passions.
  • 窥视秀 第五季
    窥视秀 第五季  (2007)
    主演:大卫·米切尔 David Mitchell/罗伯特·韦伯 Robert Webb/奥利维娅·科尔曼 Olivia Colman
    剧情简介:With two broken marriages between them, Jez and Mark embark on an odyssey of womanising and hedonism, and no amount of chlamydia or unpleasant sex is going to stop Mark from finding ‘The One‘...
  • 窥视秀 第四季
    窥视秀 第四季  (2006)
    主演:大卫·米切尔/罗伯特·韦伯/奥利维娅·科尔曼 Olivia Colman
    剧情简介:Jeremy meets his hero - techno musician Russell ‘The Orgazoid‘ - and ends up working as his handyman. But is there a catch that involves Russell selling his organs on the internet? Meanwhile, Mark goes to a school reunion, and considers embarking on an affair with a girl he used to fancy.
  • 窥视秀 第二季
    窥视秀 第二季  (2004)
    主演:大卫·米切尔/罗伯特·韦伯/Olivia Colman
    剧情简介:Love blossoms in Apollo House; Mark and Sophie‘s relationship seems to be getting better and Jez finally gets over Big Suze by hooking up with Nancy, a sexy American erotic adventurer. So what could go wrong?
  • 六贱客
    六贱客  (2000)
    主演:Martin Freeman/Olivia Colman/Matthew Holness/Charlotte Hudson/David Mitchell/Robert Webb
    剧情简介:Bruiser was a BBC comedy sketch show. It premiered on 28 February 2000 and ran for six episodes ending on 15 March 2000. The main writers were David Mitchell and Robert Webb. Additional writers included Richard Ayoade and Ricky Gervais.Cast members were Olivia Colman, David Mitchell, Robert Webb, Martin Freeman, Matthew Holness and Charlotte Hudson.

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